Diary of a Mad Housewife

Friday, June 25, 2004

What a day this has been...

...if through all this madness we can stick together we're safe...and sound...the world's just inside out and upside down...

Harris County Tax Assessor got robbed of millions - talk about turnabout being fair play?

The brand new Home Depot a few blocks from me, in Galveston, collapsed from the weight of the raindrops - what does this say about the quality of their building equipment anyway? Guess the associate who gave them the roofing seminar was the same one who taught my husband how to install a faucet!

With 6 inches of rain in 3 hours, families are still out in the surf, despite the thunder and lightening - after all, they've already paid for their vacations!

While walking in a downpour, my stepson decided to stop to light a cigarette at the gas station during a lightening strike. Nobody's perfect.


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